About the Artist

Lars was originally from Whitehorse, Yukon. This Canadian born Viking has been building, branding and customizing lives since 2012. Burning all his spare time away with red hot butter knives, Lars has committed his life to making others smile. Since the beginning of his career, it’s been his goal to have Larsworks displayed in countries all across the globe. Everything Lars brings to life is hand made with pride and dedication you can expect nothing but the best when you let Lars Work for you.


Lars is able to create a number of pieces such as custom address signs, logos and characters. Indoor & outdoor furniture, hot tub customization, staircase and in-house customization, yard accents and cedar fence customization, as well as murals!
Lars is knowledgeable in many aspects of trades such as drywall, carpentry/frame work, plumbing and minor electrical. He also has 25 years of experience as a heavy equipment operator: ground works, foundation construction & repair, winter/ice/bush road construction.
Events & Festivals
Lars is always ready to attend and setup at events to create pieces ON-SITE for your guests!



Want your own Larsworks piece?
Lars' work is always in high demand, and it is not uncommon for their to be a waiting list. Please contact below to go over the details of your needs today!